Talk with Stacey Goodman at an upcoming event near you.
Saturday May 11th
1:00 pm
Book Signing

The Trump Store
580 E Deuce of Clubs
Show Low, AZ
Watch Stacey Goodman on PLUTO TV — NPA REPORT, Feb 6, 2022
Stacey Goodman’s The Dust Never Settles is endorsed by the nation’s top law enforcement professionals.

“Stacy is an inspiration . . . a straight shooter who tells her story with openness and honesty. She is one of the warmest, funniest, smartest, down to earth people I have ever met . . . who really cares about people and wants the truth to be told.”

“This book is riveting . . . and reveals the life of a woman who would not cower and become a victim . . . when she was called upon to assist in the recovery efforts after the terror attacks on our nation on September 11, 2001.”

“Stacy’s first-hand account of working 9/11 is a sobering reminder of the toll this profession takes on so many of us, especially those first responders who worked 9/11 and the days that followed. The courage and selfless sacrifice of those brave men and women will never be forgotten.”

“A first-hand, unfiltered, straightforward, and truthful, written masterfully, about one of America’s darkest times. Done with class, grace and courage, by one of our very best, in a way that everyone needs to hear, from a perspective that no one has ever heard. This should be required reading for everyone.”
Would you like to have Stacey speak at your meeting?
Get The Book!
The Dust Never Settles is a riveting, first-hand account from inside Ground Zero.
Stacey Goodman was a female police officer with federal disaster training who was pulled out of the suburbs of Long Island and thrust into the heart of the 9/11 mayhem of the World Trade Center devastation.
With high security clearance she worked at the very center of the rescue and recovery efforts on the Pile for 23 days, and witnessed firsthand the horrific details of the terror attacks that decimated the world’s financial center.
You can get a signed copy of the book or order directly from Amazon.
Thank you!
I’m always grateful to those who have been supportive of Ground Zero workers and survivors.
Mayor Rudy Giuliani and President Donald Trump have been constant in their support of all of us!
Get the book that tells the story from inside ground Zero!