In all, 2,977 people died in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. That number, of course, excludes the 19 Islamic terrorists who committed the atrocities against defenseless citizens. The victims include the 2,753 killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the 184 killed at the Pentagon, and the 40 killed in the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. This number does not include the hundreds of victims whose death warrants were signed when they responded to the call to assist at Ground Zero, and have since fallen as a result.
The terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, caused more law enforcement line-of-duty deaths than any other single incident in American history. Our friends at The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., have complied a full list of officers who died as a direct result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We thank them and share their tribute here. One officer was killed when United Flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania as he and other passengers attempted to regain control of the plane from the hijackers. 71 officers were killed when the two World Trade Center buildings collapsed in New York City. Dozens more have passed away in the years following 2001 as the direct result of illnesses contracted while working in the hazardous conditions immediately following the attacks in New York. Let us pay tribute to the law enforcement officers, representing 10 different agencies, who died as a direct result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
God bless each of you, and those who have suffered your loss for these many years since. I remember each of you.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement, New York
- Special Investigator Diane DiGiacomo
Arlington County Police Department, Virginia
- Corporal Harvey Snook, III
Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office, New York
- Undersheriff Stephen B. McLoud
City University of New York Department of Public Safety, New York
- Deputy Chief John P. McKee
Connecticut State Police, Connecticut
- Trooper First Class Eugene Kenneth Baron, Jr.
- Trooper First Class Walter Greene, Jr.
Harrison Police Department, New York
- Police Officer Walter L. Mallinson
Montclair State University Police Department, New Jersey
- Sergeant Christopher A. Vidro
Nassau County Police Department, New York
- Police Officer Brian R. Abbondandelo
- Police Officer Charles Dennis Cole, Jr.
- Police Officer Peter Francis Curran
- Police Officer Peter Martino
- Police Officer Paul J. McCabe
- Police Officer James V. Quinn
- Lieutenant Michael P. Shea
New Jersey State Police, New Jersey
- Lieutenant William George Fearon
- Staff Sergeant Bryan U. McCoy
- Trooper Robert Emmet Nagle
New Rochelle Police Department, New York
- Detective Mark S. Gado
- Police Officer Kathleen O’Connor-Funigiello
New York City Fire Department – Bureau of Fire Investigation, New York
- Fire Marshal Ronald P. Bucca
New York City Police Department, New York
Detective Sandra Y. Adrian
Detective I Gerard A. Ahearn
Detective James John Albanese
Chief of Detectives William H. Allee
Detective Sixto Almonte
Detective Luis Gustavo Alvarez
Sergeant Alex W. Baez
Police Officer Curtis Joseph Bako
Police Officer Karen E. Barnes
Detective Thomas J. Barnitt
Police Officer Ronald G. Becker, Jr.
Detective Aslyn A. Beckles
Police Officer James A. Betso
Sergeant Gerard Thomas Beyrodt
Police Officer Derrick Bishop
Police Officer Scott R. Blackshaw
Police Officer Frank M. Bolusi
Deputy Chief Steven Joseph Bonano
Sergeant Patrick J. Boyle
Sergeant William Brautigam
Police Officer Thomas Gerard Brophy
Lieutenant Rebecca A. Buck
Police Officer James M. Burke
Captain Carmine C. Cantalino
Police Officer Audrey P. Capra
Police Officer Madeline Carlo
Detective Megan K. Carr-Wilks
Detective Joseph A. Cavitolo
Police Officer Yolanda Cawley
Sergeant Christopher M. Christodoulou
Police Officer Peter D. Ciaccio
Lieutenant Steven L. Cioffi
Sergeant Charles J. Clark
Police Officer Daniel Charles Conroy
Sergeant John Gerard Coughlin
Sergeant Patrick T. Coyne
Detective Christopher Edward Cranston
Detective Angel Antonio Creagh
Sergeant Michael Sean Curtin
Detective Kevin Anthony Czartoryski
Police Officer John D’Allara
Police Officer Anthony D’Erasmo
Detective Annetta G. Daniels
Police Officer Vincent G. Danz
Sergeant Garrett S. Danza
Detective Michael Kenneth Davis
Police Officer Anthony DeJesus
Deputy Chief Vincent A. DeMarino
Police Officer Michael O. Diamond
Detective Corey J. Diaz
Detective Leroy Dixon
Police Officer Kenneth Xavier Domenech
Police Officer Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez
Police Officer Stephen Patrick Driscoll
Police Officer Renee Dunbar
Police Officer Robert M. Ehmer
Police Officer Mark Joseph Ellis
Police Officer Otto R. Espinoza
Detective Pedro Esponda, Jr.
Police Officer William P. Farley
Police Officer Robert Fazio, Jr.
Detective Luis G. Fernandez
Sergeant Paul Michael Ferrara
Police Officer Keith A. Ferrara
Police Officer John P. Ferrari
Police Officer Edward M. Ferraro
Inspector Donald G. Feser
Detective Carmen M. Figueroa
Police Officer Alexander Figueroa
Police Officer Nicholas G. Finelli
Detective Stuart F. Fishkin
Police Officer Edward J. Fitzgerald
Lieutenant Jeffrey W. Francis
Sergeant Gary M. Franklin
Detective Sean Patrick Franklin
Police Officer Frank L. Gagliano
Police Officer Scott N. Gaines
Captain Barry Galfano
Police Officer Thomas J. Gallagher
Sergeant Michael J. Galvin
Police Officer Deborah A. Garbutt-Jeff
Police Officer Matthew J. Gay
Police Officer Judy Ann Ghany-Barounis
Police Officer Anthony C. Giambra, Jr.
Detective Peter “Pietro” Gianfrancesco
Detective James Thomas Giery
Sergeant Rodney C. Gillis
Captain Edward Charles Gilpin
Detective Charles Gilbert Gittens, Jr.
Detective Michael E. Glazer
Police Officer James Junior Godbee
Detective John E. Goggin
Police Officer Michael H. Grannis
Police Officer Robert C. Grossman
Police Officer Dave E. Guevara
Inspector James Guida
Sergeant Charles R. Gunzelman
Police Officer Diane F. Halbran
Police Officer Michael J. Hance
Police Officer Anthony R. Hanlon
Sergeant Claire T. Hanrahan
Police Officer Raymond Harris
Detective Kevin George Hawkins
Police Officer Joseph F. Heid
Police Officer Robert Bernard Helmke
Detective Michael R. Henry
Detective Alick W. Herrmann
Detective William J. Holfester
Police Officer Richard G. Holland
Detective Nathaniel Holland, Jr.
Detective Steven Hom
Police Officer Demetrias Hopkins
Detective Charles James Humphry
Sergeant Michael Vincent Incontrera
Sergeant Wayne A. Jackson
Police Officer Richard Jakubowsky
Police Officer Cheryl D. Johnson
Police Officer Paul J. Johnson
Police Officer Louise M. Johnston
Sergeant Scott Johnston
Police Officer Robert W. Kaminski
Police Officer Charles M. Karen
Detective William D. Kinane
Police Officer William J. King
Police Officer Ronald Philip Kloepfer
Police Officer Gary Lee Koch
Police Officer Kelly Christine Korchak
Police Officer Fred J. Krines
Detective John F. Kristoffersen
Detective Stephen T. Kubinski
Police Officer Thomas Michael Langone
Detective Robert F. Larke
Sergeant Mark Lawler
Police Officer James Patrick Leahy
Detective Michael Lawrence Ledek
Detective Jeffrey A. Lee
Inspector Justin C. Lenz
Police Officer Andrew J. Lewis
Detective Christian R. Lindsay
Lieutenant Luis A. Lopez
Police Officer Richard Lopez
Detective Thomas J. Lyons
Police Officer Frank Gerard Macri
Police Officer David Mahmoud
Police Officer Shaun M. Mahoney
Detective John J. Marshall
Sergeant Robert P. Masci
Police Officer Vito S. Mauro
Police Officer Gary Gerald Mausberg
Lieutenant Jacqueline McCarthy
Police Officer Brian Grady McDonnell
Police Officer Patrick Thomas McGovern
Sergeant Colleen A. McGowan
Captain Edward Joseph McGreal
Sergeant Michael J. McHugh
Police Officer Denis Reid McLarney
Police Officer Christopher Shawn McMurry
Lieutenant Jennifer Meehan
Police Officer Gregory V. Melita
Detective Tommy L. Merriweather
Detective Mark Mkwanazi
Lieutenant Brian S. Mohamed
Deputy Chief James Gerard Molloy
Detective James W. Monahan
Detective Robert A. Montanez
Detective Michael P. Morales
Captain Dennis Morales
Detective John K. Muller
Sergeant Patrick P. Murphy
Lieutenant Paul Murphy
Sergeant Edmund P. Murray
Sergeant Anthony Napolitano
Police Officer Mark J. Natale
Police Officer Robert J. Nicosia
Detective Maureen M. O’Flaherty
Sergeant Terrence Scott O’Hara
Sergeant Donald J. O’Leary, Jr.
Lieutenant Carlos J. Ocasio
Police Officer Jason Howard Offner
Detective Edwin Ortiz
Police Officer Robert Ortiz
Police Officer Robert V. Oswain, Jr.
Police Officer Joseph Cavanaugh Pagnani
Police Officer Allison Marie Palmer
Lieutenant Phillip E. Panzarella
Detective Joseph Paolillo
Police Officer William G. Parker
Police Officer Marie Ann Patterson-Bohanan
Captain Ronald G. Peifer, Sr.
Police Officer Angelo Peluso, Jr.
Police Officer John William Perry
Detective Philip T. Perry
Police Officer Glen Kerrin Pettit
Detective Joseph L. Pidoto
Sergeant Louis R. Pioli
Captain Peter L. Pischera
Police Officer Francis Thomas Pitone
Police Officer Frank J. Pizzo
Police Officer Nancy A. Puca
Lieutenant Christopher M. Pupo
Assistant Chief Michael V. Quinn
Detective Andrea Renee Jacqueline Rainer
Police Officer Moira Ann Reddy-Smith
Police Officer Christine Anne Reilly
Detective George Clay Remouns, Jr.
Lieutenant Gerald Rex
Lieutenant Robert Daniel Rice
Detective Claude Daniel Richards
Detective Ronald A. Richards
Detective Roberto L. Rivera
Police Officer Lawrence J. Rivera
Police Officer Peter O. Rodriguez
Detective Joseph M. Roman
Lieutenant Kenneth W. Rosello
Lieutenant John Charles Rowland
Sergeant Timothy Alan Roy, Sr.
Lieutenant James D. Russell
Detective John A. Russo
Sergeant Michael W. Ryan
Lieutenant James E. Ryan
Police Officer Patrice Marie Ryan-Ott
Detective Thomas Santoro
Sergeant Stephen P. Scalza
Sergeant Jacqueline C. Schaefer
Detective James A. Schiavone, Jr.
Detective Joseph Edward Seabrook
Police Officer Peter M. Sheridan, Jr.
Lieutenant Marci Simms
Detective Basilio A. Simons
Detective Andrew L. Siroka
Sergeant Harold John Smith
Captain Scott V. Stelmok
Detective Christopher Strucker
Police Officer Ramon Suarez
Sergeant Barbara J. Sullivan
Police Officer Robert S. Summers
Detective Traci L. Tack-Czajkowski
Police Officer Paul Talty
Police Officer Richard E. Taylor
Sergeant Edward Doyle “Ned” Thompson
Detective Sally A. Thompson
Detective William B. Titus, Jr.
Police Officer Martin Tom
Police Officer Reginald Umpthery, Sr.
Police Officer Santos Valentin, Jr.
Detective Harry Valentin
Police Officer Manuel Vargas, Jr.
Detective Dennis J. Vickery
Police Officer John F. Vierling, Jr.
Detective Joseph Vincent Vigiano
Police Officer Perry T. Villani
Police Officer Matthew S. von Seydewitz
Sergeant Michael B. Wagner
Police Officer William T. Walsh
Lieutenant William H. Wanser, III
Detective Thomas P. Ward
Police Officer Walter Edward Weaver
Detective Thomas Francis Weiner, Jr.
Police Officer Ronald Evan Weintraub
Detective Richard H. Wentz
Detective Jennifer A. Williams
Police Officer Wade Jason Williams
Detective Robert W. Williamson
Inspector Richard Daniel Winter
Police Officer Kenneth W. Wolf
Police Officer George Mon Cheng Wong
Detective John T. Young
Detective James Zadroga
Police Officer Robert A. Zane, Jr.
New York County District Attorney’s Office, New York
- Senior Investigator Fred Ghussin
New York State Environmental Conservation Police, New York
- Conservation Officer Stephen Lawrence Raymond
New York State Office of Court Administration, New York
- Senior Court Officer Thomas Jurgens
- Captain William Thompson
- Senior Court Officer Mitchel Scott Wallace
New York State Office of Tax Enforcement – Petroleum, Alcohol and Tobacco Bureau, New York
- Bureau Chief Charles Mills
New York State Office of Tax Enforcement – Revenue Crimes Bureau, New York
- Investigator Clyde Frazier
- Investigator Richard Moore
- Investigator Salvatore Papasso
- Assistant Deputy Commissioner William Pohlmann
New York State Police, New York
- Trooper Michael J. Anson
- Trooper Darryl J. Burroughs, Sr.
- Sergeant Jeffrey M. Cicora
- Trooper Jennifer M. Czarnecki
- Trooper Brian S. Falb
- Investigator Ryan D. Fortini
- Senior Investigator Thomas G. Moran, Jr.
- Trooper Covel Chase Pierce
- Sergeant Charles Robert Salaway
- Investigator Paul R. Stuewer
Newtown Police Department, Connecticut
- Police Officer Stephen A. Ketchum
Paterson Police Department, New Jersey
- Detective Anthony Jospeh Lucanto
Peekskill Police Department, New York
- Detective Charles John Wassil, Jr.
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, New York
- Police Officer Christopher Amoroso
- Police Officer Maurice Barry
- Police Officer Charles Barzydlo
- Lieutenant John J. Brant
- Police Officer Liam Callahan
- Lieutenant Robert Cirri
- Police Officer John Mark Cortazzo
- Police Officer Clinton Davis
- Lieutenant William E. Doubraski
- Police Officer Donald Foreman
- Police Officer Gregg Froehner
- Police Officer Thomas Gorman
- Sergeant Lawrence A. Guarnieri
- Police Officer Uhuru Gonja Houston
- Police Officer George Howard
- Police Officer Stephen Huczko, Jr.
- Inspector Anthony Infante
- Detective Thomas M. Inman
- Police Officer Paul Jurgens
- Sergeant Robert Kaulfers
- Police Officer James W. Kennelly
- Police Officer Paul Laszczynski
- Police Officer William James Leahy
- Police Officer David P. LeMagne
- Police Officer John Lennon
- Police Officer John Levi
- Police Officer James Lynch
- Captain Kathy Mazza
- Police Officer Donald McIntyre
- Police Officer Walter McNeil
- Police Officer Mark J. Meier
- Director of Public Safety Fred V. Morrone
- Police Officer Joseph Navas
- Police Officer James Nelson
- Police Officer Alfonse Niedermeyer
- Sergeant Vincent Joseph Oliva
- Police Officer Pavlos D. Pallas
- Police Officer James Parham
- Police Officer Dominick Pezzulo
- Police Officer Bruce Reynolds
- Police Officer Antonio Rodrigues
- Police Officer Richard Rodriguez
- Chief James Romito
- Police Officer John Skala
- Police Officer Walwyn Stuart
- Police Officer Michael Edmund Teel
- Police Officer Kenneth Tietjen
- Police Officer Steven John Tursellino
- Police Officer Nathaniel Webb
- Police Officer Michael Wholey
Suffolk County Police Department, New York
- Police Officer Craig L. Capolino
- Sergeant James Thomas Farrell
- Detective Stephen John Mullen
- Sergeant Dennis Wallace Reichardt
United States Department of Homeland Security – Immigration and Customs Enforcement – Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Government
- Special Agent Louis Henry Aguirre
- Special Agent Dennis Patrick McCarthy
- Special Agent Edward Joseph Smith
- Special Agent Robert T. Williams
- Special Agent Thomas Michael Wischerth
United States Department of Justice – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Government
- Special Agent William C. Sheldon
United States Department of Justice – Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Government
- Special Agent Dennis Bonelli
- Special Agent Steven A. Carr
- Special Agent William Robert Craig
- Supervisory Special Agent Brian Lawrence Crews
- Special Agent Laurie J. Fournier
- Special Agent Leonard Hatton
- Special Agent Jerry D. Jobe
- Special Agent Mark C. Johnston
- Special Agent in Charge David James LeValley
- Special Agent Mark Joseph Mikulski
- Special Agent Melissa S. Morrow
- Special Agent Robert Martin Roth
- Special Agent Gerard D. Senatore
- Special Agent Rex Aaron Stockham
- Special Agent Paul H. Wilson
- Special Agent Wesley J. Yoo
United States Department of Justice – United States Marshals Service, U.S. Government
- Deputy U.S. Marshal Kenneth J. Doyle
- Deputy U.S. Marshal Betty Ann Pascarella
- Deputy U.S. Marshal Zacarias Toro, Jr.
United States Department of the Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service – Division of Refuge Law Enforcement, U.S. Government
- Refuge Manager Richard Jerry Guadagno
United States Department of the Treasury – United States Secret Service Special Services Division, U.S. Government
- Master Special Officer Craig J. Miller
Yonkers Police Department, New York
- Police Officer Anthony Maggiore
- Lieutenant Roy D. McLaughlin